Flags fly at half-mast to honour and show our respect for Richard Martin and Howard Briggs

Today, our flags fly at half-mast to honour and show our respect for Richard Martin and Howard Briggs. Both Richard and Howard sadly passed away recently, and their families and friends gather today at their respective services to commemorate their remarkable lives.
Richard joined us in September 2022 to teach History, having recently retired from a long-term teaching position at another local school. He was a wonderful teacher and a kind and generous colleague. He was passionate about his subject and always made time for pupils and colleagues alike. He inspired his pupils with his breadth of subject knowledge and ability to bring past events to life in a classroom. Richard always felt at home at WHSB. He shared our values and believed in supporting and encouraging young people to realise their academic potential, in order to be of service to the wider community. He has had an enormous positive impact on the lives of so many young people.
Many will know Howard as one of the School’s most eminent Old Westcliffians. During an illustrious career in local politics, he served as Council Leader and as Mayor. In both roles he did enormous good for his community, most notably raising vast sums of money for local charities and establishing the Southend Fund. The Southend Fund has supported, and continues to support, a large number of local charities. Howard was no less generous when it came to his old School. He was a member of the School’s Governing Board for the better part of two decades. During this time, he was actively involved in many School developments, including our successful conversion to Academy status. Howard also served as President of the Old Westcliffian Association from 2004-2007 and did much to foster closer links between the School and its Alumni. Howard’s service to his Community and School provides an inspirational example to us all, especially the current and future generations of Westcliffians.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of both our colleagues. We shall miss them both greatly.
Fide et Fortitudine