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Year 7 Entrants

The School Prospectus and other relevant admission details are available on this website.

Parents should express a preference for the School on their Local Authority's (LA) Common Application Form (either online or by post), which should be returned to the LA by the date on the application form. Your son will need to be registered to take the 11+ exam. This is done by registering with the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE), which manage the 11+ process in Essex. Parents applying for a place at this School must also complete the CSSE's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) (either online at or by post), which must be returned to the CSSE by the date on that form. To register, please go to

Details of the Entrance Test for 2025 entry arranged by the CSSE can be found here:

Further information on admission to WHSB can also be found in the Southend Borough Council booklet on Secondary School Admissions.


We recommend you also look at our website, notably the Westcliff Diary and extra-curricular pages, to help introduce you to our School. 

Click on the link below to go on your Virtual Tour of WHSB.

Appeals (Year 7 September 2024 Entry)

Following National Offer Day on Friday 1 March 2024, should you wish to Appeal against Non-Admission to this School, it would be helpful if you notify the Headmaster in writing no later than Friday 22 March 2024. Information about the Appeals process and Appeal documentation will then be sent out to appellants. The deadline for receipt of completed Admission Appeal documentation is Monday 15 April 2024. Appeals will be held on 4, 5, and 6 June 2024. If your Appeal documentation is received after Monday 15 April 2024, your Appeal may not be heard before the end of the Summer Term.

New Y7 fitting days

New Year 7's September - The School Shop will be open for fittings and purchase of School uniform on the following dates between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm.

Saturday 13 July 2024 - FULLY BOOKED

Saturday 20 July 2024 - FULLY BOOKED

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Friday 26 July 2024

Saturday 27 July 2024

To request an appointment giving a choice of date and time, please email

Uniform can be purchased on the day.

There will also be a sale table where you can purchase discontinued items at a reduced price. We are only able to accept cash for these. Please also bring a suitable bag to minimise environmental waste. 

The School Shop is located in the East Basement, and parking is available via the Eastwood Boulevard gates.

Items of School uniform and merchandise can also be purchased online using the following link:

For further information, please go to

Second-hand Uniform

We are pleased to advise parents that the School Shop will increase the provision of second-hand uniform. Please feel free to contact for further details if this interests you.