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Max and Anthony are now safely back in the UK following their exciting and challenging climb of Mount Kilimanjaro

We are delighted to hear that Max and Anthony are now safely back in the UK following their exciting and challenging climb of Mount Kilimanjaro.

They have shared the following message: “An amazing, once in a lifetime adventure to ascend the summit of the mighty Kilimanjaro. What an experience. Wonderful sights, sounds and memories of beautiful Tanzania.

“We are proud and pleased we were able to reach the summit but there is no way we could have done so without the help and expertise of our wonderful team of guides, cooks and porters. They were so engaging, expert, and helpful. We will miss the sound of their singing, chanting, and dancing, and the beautiful lyrical sing song sound of the Swahili language.

“We hope our Tanzanian adventure inspires one or two WHSB pupils to go out and pursue adventure in whatever excites them! Go for it, but plan well, and be ready for any eventuality!”

Once again, we thank Max and Anthony for their generosity in aiming to raise funds to enable the School to replace its tartan/athletics facility. The opportunity to sponsor them remains open and further details can be found using the following link.

Thank you for your support:

You can also look back at their journey by clicking the link below: