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WHSB Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 27 September, our Staff and Sixth Form students organised a Macmillan Coffee Morning. Keen bakers brought in their homemade offerings, whilst others contributed ready-made cakes and cookies, then everyone came together at breaktime to enjoy the delicious treats and to donate towards the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity.

Each year students and staff fundraise for this worthwhile cause to support those living with cancer, and in memory of our former Head of Technology, Mr Nigel Senior, who sadly passed away from cancer in 2016. With thanks to the fantastic efforts of all involved, £371.12 has been raised.

We are grateful to all those staff and students who contributed to the Coffee Morning, including Mr Lo (our Star Baker!) for his homemade contributions, and to Mrs Williams and Nevin Nice for co-ordinating this excellent event. Well done to all!